Friday, October 12, 2007

Nobel Peace Prize Awarded to Al Gore

Congratulations to former Vice President Al Gore on winning the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. Gore shares the honor with the United Nations Panel on Climate Change for their collective efforts to educate the public about the dangers of global warming. The Nobel Prize committee noted that Gore is "one of the world's leading environmentalist politicians. He is probably the single individual who has done most to create greater worldwide understanding of the measures that need to be adopted."

The media has since reported that the Nobel Prize may prompt Gore to enter the 2008 presidential race. Doubtful.

Gore has repeatedly said how devasting the loss in 2000 was for him and his family. Perhaps that explains why he didn't challenge Bush again in 2004 and why he probably will not seek the Democratic nomination in 2008. Another reason may be that as a private citizen, Gore has accomplished more for the environmental causes he believes in so strongly. He must be aware that this will be harder to do as a president with so many other issues to tackle. Finally, Gore worked alongside and understands the Clinton machine. He may not wish to go up against Hillary for the nomination out of fear he will lose, or perhaps out of friendship for the people he worked with for eight years.

In any event, Gore has a lot to celebrate with his Emmy, Oscar, and Nobel Prize. I hope his commendable work continues on the important environmental issues since that is where the world needs Al Gore the most right now.