Monday, October 22, 2007

Wisconsin Budget Impasse to End Soon

Governor Jim Doyle and the state legislature have reached an agreement to end the budget impasse. After three months of obstructionist tactics by Assembly Republicans that led to the exclusion of a few important initiatives, Wisconsin my finally pass a budget in a matter of days.

Democrats and Republicans both may celebrate victories but the 2007-09 budget regrettably does not include the Healthy Wisconsin health care reform proposal, oil company tax to help fund road construction/maintenance, and the KRM funding to start commuter rail service in southeastern Wisconsin. Rep. Jim Kreuser (D-Kenosha) will introduce an amendment in conference committee to restore KRM funding however I don't anticipate it will pass since the committee will likely split along party lines.

I predict both the Assembly and Senate will pass the compromise budget. The Assembly will split Republican votes - half yes, half no - and the majority of Democrats voting yes. The Senate will likely split along party lines with 18 Democrats voting yes and 15 Republicans voting no.