Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Lena Taylor Officially Running for Milwaukee County Executive

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that Wisconsin State Senator Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee) filed papers on Monday with the Election Commission and released a statement today declaring her candidacy to unseat Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker in the April 2008 election.

"It's time for a higher degree of leadership and a new direction. I vow to restore balance, integrity and fiscal accountability for the Milwaukee residents who depend on public service and the taxpayers who foot the bill. I will work to get our fair share of funding from Madison to improve our parks, make our transportation system more effective, and ease the burden on local taxpayers. As a member of the state's budget-writing committee, I know our challenge is to prove that we are good stewards of public resources. We need strict fiscal accountability to protect taxpayers' rights and the vital public services they pay for. The incumbent said he would clean up the pension scandal and set the highest ethical standards, but he betrayed those promises. We can do a lot better."

As County Executive, Lena Taylor will bring over one decade of community and legislative experience to county government at a time when new and representative leadership is needed to clean up the pension mess once and for all, rebuild public trust, and restore critical public services. Taylor served as an attorney, public defender, and state assemblywoman prior to her election to the state Senate. She currently serves on the bipartisan Joint Finance Committee and played a crucial role in delivering swift (14 days) recommendations to the state legislature in response to Governor Doyle's budget. While the Republican-controlled state Assembly has obstructed budget negotiations, Taylor continues to fight for the residents of her district.

County Executive Walker has long held suburban interests and his personal political ambition above the needs of Milwaukee and, in particular, low-income and minority residents. I could go on and on about his lack of leadership and ineffectiveness but more on that in later posts. Walker recently introduced his 2008 budget which calls for drastic cuts in funding for parks when county parks continue to deterioriate. Walker proposes to eliminate the UW-Extension, a program that benefits single-parent families and those with limited job skills. Walker also hopes to increase transit fares 25% (so much for the no-tax pledge) that will affect physically and developmentally disabled riders, in addition to students, workers, children and seniors that rely on public transit. Walker is on record stating that he envisions a Milwaukee County in which everyone has a car and public transit will no longer be needed. Walker and his counterpart in Racine County closed the door on further discussions with other community leaders and vetoed an advisory referendum that would have provided a voice for realistic property tax relief and funding solutions for county parks and transit service.

Perhaps the most disturbing part of Walker's budget is that he assumes he will receive the state funding that has yet to be approved. Republican lawmakers in Madison have suggested that they will "deliver" a Christmas present to Democrats: no state budget. If Walker is wrong and the Republicans package their gift, the county will be faced with additional cuts in service.

Milwaukee County can no longer afford a county executive who is willing to step on the people in a quest for higher political office, ignore the needs of his constituents, and refuse to cooperate with other leaders. Lena's announcement comes at the perfect moment when county residents continue to face real problems with no hope for a solution.

More later on the nuts and bolts of Taylor's campaign and her potential to take back Milwaukee County for the residents. Stay tuned!

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