Sunday, October 7, 2007

Pat Jursik Backpedals on Campaign Promises

Patricia Jursik can count my vote as one of many that led her to victory in the August special election for Milwaukee County Supervisor (8th District). I had great hope for Ms. Jursik to represent the best interests of our community and be a strong advocate for change. Alas, we were duped.

Before I explain, consider the following campaign promises made by Patricia Jursik, the candidate:

"I promise to monitor your property taxes as closely as I watch my own."

"I will vote to protect parks and park services."

"The county currently struggles to support buses. Whether or not you support these projects, transportation issues must be explored."

"In a representative government, we depend on our elected leaders to represent us. Please help us to elect an experienced candidate who is not only qualified but also has integrity."

"As a candidate that has had a career in problem solving and an understanding that hard work is often needed to accomplish goals, I understand there must first be a starting point: for me this starting point is to have a positive attitude that we can solve a problem and then find the ways to go about doing it."

Patricia Jursik, the candidate, made public statements supporting a public advisory referendum on property tax relief and alternate sources of funding for parks and public transit (both rely on the property tax levy and have faced significant cuts in recent years). Ms. Jursik also assured voters that she would not be a "rubber stamp" for County Executive Scott Walker. Fast forward to September 27...

Patricia Jursik, Milwaukee County Supervisor, voted with Scott Walker to uphold his veto of the public advisory referendum. Ms. Jursik justified her vote to the Board by stating "the referendum question was confusing. Let's rewrite the question." What's alarming about this statement is that Ms. Jursik has a Master's degree in addition to being a Juris Doctor. One would think a person with such intellectual capacity would comprehend simple English language. Then again, perhaps she meant that the residents of Milwaukee County lack such brain power.

Ms. Jursik may have scored points with Scott Walker and she may be content with silencing her constituents on this important issue. Milwaukee County may have to be patient and wait yet again for a voice on property tax relief and the restoration of our once-revered public services.

Whatever her reasons are is unknown. She has failed to respond to repeated requests for an explanation from me and others in our district. One thing is certain however: Ms. Jursik will have no choice but to hear our voice loud and clear on election day.

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